Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What parents don't understand.

Do you ever just sit there sometimes, and think you could rule the world? If you stood up right now, talked really fast, and moved at hyper speed, you could get everything done. You feel as if you hold the world in the palm of your hands, and you could move things how you please.

But then you start to formulate plans, decide when you are going to do certain things, decide how you want to execute them. Once you think it through, you remember how stunningly average you are. How plain, how simple, how common. You remember how difficult things really are, and then you shut down. You give up. You take a nap to forget the world.

Where does this start? Perhaps your parents are always yelling at you. You never see eye to eye; I mean how could they possibly understand what you are going through? They are ancient, and don't remember what it's like to be a teenager. They don't understand all the stress you go through just to try to make them happy. You take all the hard classes, you try your hardest, you join a million extracurricular activities, but nothing seems enough. You squeak by with a B after you studied for hours on that impossible AP Biology test, and they tell you that you aren't going to get into college because you got a B. They tell you that you don't try hard enough, just because you like to relax with a movie. They constantly remind you of how much more they like your sibling.

But why? Don't they understand how hard it is to try to impress them? Don't they understand that all their children ever do is try to make them proud? Why do they always brush off your big accomplishments like they are nothing?

You got into Honors Society? Neither parents can make the ceremony. You got elected into a student run office? They tell you that your position was probably the easiest one. You passed one of the AP exams? That's not enough, you didn't pass both.

What parents don't understand is that after a while, the ties of the family get worn down with all the negativity. It gnaws away at every last strand, until finally it severs. You don't care anymore if they are proud of you because you accept the fact that you are never good enough. You don't care, because no one does. All they ever do is yell at you and insult you. And they wonder why you are always hiding in your room, or always on the computer, or always doing something by yourself.

They wonder why you don't answer anymore. They wonder why you don't eat dinner with them anymore. They wonder why you don't care. They don't understand it's them. Parents don't understand how hard it is to try and be yourself when someone is always mean to you. They don't understand how hard their children try to make them happy, only to be told it wasn't good enough. It's never good enough. And they quit. That's the end, there's no more, nothing else to look forward to except leaving. Nothing else seems good enough. Nothing will ever be good enough, and I'm sorry.

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