Sunday, November 17, 2013

I don't like that, you must be one.

One thing I'll never understand is how people become so completely closed minded, that they can never possibly even acknowledge a good idea that my be different. In a plain sense, football. I don't understand why people become so caught up in one team that they get angry if the other team does the same thing, but slightly better. But then again, I barely understand football in the first place, but you get the idea. Or politics; I don't understand why people become so angry with the thought of someone else having different view than them, that they are willing to yell and fight to no end about it. I know people that make remarks such as "They own a Prius, they must be a democrat" and "they watch Fox News, they must be a republican." I mean honestly, who cares? So what if that person drives a Prius or watches Fox News? What difference does it make? Why is it such a huge deal that they may have different ideas? Just because it's not what you think, doesn't mean it's so wrong. It drives me up the wall when people make comments like that, and I typically shut them out and leave because I don't want to be around a person who doesn't accept change. It is absolutely unfathomable to me that people can even be that way. No wonder our world is a superficial society that loves to argue about anything they can.

"I don't like her haircut." So what? You aren't the one that has to deal with it every day. "She wears dresses all the time." And your point is? Maybe she feels confident in dresses. What's so wrong with some variety in the world?

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