Thursday, September 19, 2013

Extra sleep always makes me happy

This morning the Sophomores had to take some standardized testing that I'm not quite sure what for. However, I did remember that there was a three hour delay for everyone else this morning who was not taking the testing, which includes me. The amount of joy I felt when I woke up at 6 am, rolled over, and went back to sleep was indescribable. My little sister and mother had to wake up early, so they were envious of my extra hours of sleep, which made it even sweeter. Although I would have liked to sleep in even more, getting up at 8:30 am is better than 6. When I finally did get up, I  put my hair in a ponytail and went to go feed my ducks and clean their cage, mostly because I didn't want to do it last night and I knew I would have extra time in the morning to clean it. So I grabbed their food, turned on the hose, and walked up to their cage. I put the hose in their smelly, green pool, set their food down, and let them out of the cage. Of course, Jude was the first one to hop out because she doesn't like to be cooped up in the cage longer than she has to be. Next comes Prudence, a little lopsidedly because she's a spazz and isn't that coordinated. Lucy comes next, hopping out like it's no big deal, and then finally Eleanor Rigby, because she just doesn't care and is extremely laid back. I crouch down and get their eggs, set them aside, and start cleaning their pool. Although their pool is only a larger sized kiddy pool, it takes a while to clean, mostly because I can't just tip it over and pour all the water out. I have to scoop bucketfuls of water out until it's low enough that the rest of the water will be clean. I began scooping out the atrocious water by the bucketful, getting splashed and muddy all the while. After I clean it and fill it back up again, I notice my dad is leaving for the morning so I wave at him as he leaves, with no recognition I even was there. I brush it off and walk back to the house to go clean off the eggs. I try the garage door, from which I came through this morning to no avail. I try the side door and front door after that, and realize my dad had no idea I was even home, so he locked all of them. Great. Luckily, I knew where the hide-a-key was, so I could actually get back in the house, get all my school stuff, get dressed, and get everything for the day to come. I could only imagine how angry my parents would be when I told them I was locked out and needed one of them to come back so I could get in to the house and get ready for school. Wouldn't that be a great way to start off my three hour delay?

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