Thursday, February 27, 2014

Letters of Recommendation

Let me be the first to say, I absolutely adore getting letters of recommendation. They make me feel so incredibly good about myself that I can't help but smile. Heck, if you're having a bad day, just go read a letter of recommendation you got because you are one awesome individual. It may be because I am having a good day, but that doesn't really matter because I got a letter of recommendation today too. They really encompass all your achievements and highlight everything you've done correctly. You seriously look like flippin' Superman because of those things, and let me tell you, that is a good feeling. People always look at me crazy when I get them because all I do is keep reading them over and over again just to remember how great I am. Conceited? Nah, the adults wrote that for ME, so it's gotta be true. Goodbye last semester blues, hello letters of recommendation!

P.S. If there are any teachers out there that haven't written letters of recommendations and are supposed to be doing so instead of reading my oh so intriguing blog post, I highly suggest you do so. You may just make that student's day, and I'm not even exaggerating that much (but hey, that's kinda my thing).

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