Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sponges don't speak unless spoken to.

Today in class we watched "Shake the Dust" by Anis Mojgani. Let me say that this class is ruining poetry for me (sorry Burge), but I really seem to enjoy watching the writers speak their poems. It gives them a whole new depth and meaning to me (ironically). Let me also say that Anis Mojgani really is growing on me, and it's not just because he's in the weird name club too or because he has crazy hair and a crazy beard. What really stayed with me from this poem though, was when he said "[This is] for the ones who are told to speak only when you are spoken to and then are never spoken to." I believe that this line accurately describes me. I don't feel the need to talk all the time, if even often at all. It also reminds of a quote I once read that goes something like "only speak if what you have to say is more beautiful than the silence." I absolutely love this quote because aside from the insanity I find in it, I think silence is beautiful. Ironically, most of my friends and family like to talk just to hear themselves talk, think sitting in silence is boring, and rarely ever say anything worth remembering. I, on the other hand, rarely ever speak and tend to keep it relatively short and blunt. I say what I mean when people ask for it, and don't say anything otherwise. Perhaps that's why I blend in so well, yet seem to stand out at the same time. Perhaps that's why people think I'm stupid, yet always come to me with their questions and in need of help. Maybe people like talking at me so much because I'm an absorber. I absorb and analyze everything that's going on in a situation, and pick up all the minute details. Maybe that's why everyone thinks I'm insane when I remember everything yet never seem to have ever been there in the first place.